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Taking the Leap: Aligning Business with Your Souls Calling and Building a Conscious Business & Life with Intention

Writer's picture: Adelina EmmiAdelina Emmi

Ever felt the pull toward something greater, but didn’t know if you were ready for it? That was me when I left my 9-5 for my side hustle.

The Leap of Faith

When I quit my 9-5 and pursued my then ‘side hustle’, I had no idea where it was going to go or what was going to happen. Sometimes I think back to those moments and see how brave I must have been, unaware of what I was about to embark on. It’s funny how sometimes our past selves can be our greatest teachers. That fearless version of me? I channel her now when I need to take leaps.

The unknown was scary. But it was also better than the position I was in at that time. I believe if we don’t take the leap, the universe will eventually make us feel so uncomfortable that we just go ‘I have no choice’ let’s go.

You might know this feeling being through it or it could be new to your journey. Wherever you are, I want to remind you that you are not alone here.

I knew I couldn’t work for anybody else. I also didn’t know how to do it.

But I did it. And I know now that anybody can do this if it’s their calling. Anybody.

Finding Your Calling

When I started my journey, I didn’t know I had a ‘calling’. But I knew there was a higher power pushing me in another direction that I never ever thought I would go.

The calls got so loud that I had no choice but to listen to them. They came in whispers, screams, signs, they came from others, they often just stumbled across my lap.

You have to listen to the signs or they will quite literally slap you in the face.

The signs led me to what I would call ‘my calling’ now. Helping others pursue their dreams, whatever they might be. See, I had always done this throughout my life. Whether it was helping my parents, friends or it was in the work I did helping other businesses grow. I literally walked the path, without even knowing it.

But something inside me pulled me toward a more conscious version of this. A version where my work with the other, leads to their work with the other and we create ripple effects of light across humanity.

That is my calling.

Why do I say calling, rather than purpose? Because up until recently I did believe your ‘purpose’ was something to reach outside of us. But I believe our purpose is to be us. To live with integrity and alignment. To show up as our true authentic selves, that is your purpose. Your calling is something you walk towards as it sings out to you so beautifully and perfectly. Your calling feels like home. It feels like there is no doubt in your mind that you want to be answering that call.

Overcoming Doubts

I know now that there is no limit to our endeavours. We can do almost anything we want to on this planet, if we dare. Our hopes, dreams and deepest desires are in us for a reason. We don’t feel these for no reason. Yes, some might be from the ego, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t a part of us. They absolutely are. 

When we start to accept these parts of us, that’s when we truly know what we want. 

Then we get it. We break down what we think we want, to get to what we truly want. Sometimes they are the same, sometimes very different. It’s about as simple and complicated as that.

New Age Spirituality and Personal Beliefs

Some New Age spirituality often discourages our desires, but I’ve learned that they can be powerful indicators of what’s meant for us, if we approach them with clarity and alignment. 

I’ve been through the motions of ‘I don’t need that’. I’ve been through the motions of that a fully prosperous life is only for the people who are bad in the world.

But as I dug deeper into my psyche, I knew in my core that wasn’t true.

As I aligned my beliefs, a whole world of opportunities and people with the same beliefs suddenly came into my peripheral. And that’s how it’s done.

One thing that always stuck with me and I couldn’t ignore were the feelings I had. The emotions attached to receiving what I asked for. I knew I couldn’t ignore this.

I was living the life I always dreamed of and I was able to do that because I believed that I could have it.

This feeling continually stuck with me. It was as if it felt like home. When the feeling felt like home, true in my body, that’s when I knew that I was where I was meant to be. 

A good indicator for me was I would get emotional for no apparent reason. I often start crying tears of happiness and that’s when I knew. 

Some people get goosebumps, some get overpowering sensations in their body.

Find your ‘this is it, home’ feeling and you will never feel lost ever again on this journey.

My Journey to The Now

As I sit in Lisbon at a cafe surrounded by soft playful music and the sound of people laughing and coffee brewing, I am writing this. I acknowledge that my dream of traveling around the world, chasing the sun, having a fully remote passion that allowed me to be wherever I wanted and stay in the most amazing places in the world has become who I am. I didn’t listen when people told me that wasn’t real life. I didn’t listen when people told me my desires are just my ego. 

I listened to my body, where it wanted me to go and I never said no to her. I let her lead the way and that’s how I got to where I am today.

This took a lot of work on myself. It took many days of sadness, depression, crying for hours on end. I went there. I had more heart clenching, ego deaths than cats have lives. Each time I faced an ego death, it felt like a weight on my chest, but lighter each time as I let go of the old me. I had to fully let go of the old Adelina that didn’t believe she could have the life that she wanted, the old Adelina that didn’t believe she deserved it. 

Sometimes she creeps back, but I now have the tools to keep her at bay. 

An example of this was just this morning when I was having an overdose of stress from things I ‘needed’ to do. I could feel the bubble of stress arise as soon as I woke up. It started with thousands of thoughts that were going nowhere and followed by things not working, one after another. 

This is when I know. I know this feeling all too well.

I stopped everything I was doing, put clothes and shoes on and my body took me to a park. 

I was talking to a friend on the phone and all of a sudden the internet stopped working. I was forced to put the phone down, take my shoes and socks off and fully surrender to Mother Earth. 

I let her take me. 

As I lay there meditating in this beautiful park in the middle of Lisbon, surrounded by love & birds, with the earth between my toes, my worries started to dissipate into the ether. 

After 10 minutes, I came back, laughed and said to myself “see, what were you worried about? It’s all fine”.

And that was that. I was back. 10 minutes with Mother Earth, one of the biggest tools in my toolbox, and I’m back.

This reminder from Mother Earth brought me back to my true self, reaffirming that when we slow down and listen, we always know the way.

Now I can go back to my day and not worry about my head exploding.

Aligning Your Calling With Your Business

We all have a calling here, some simpler than others. Do you know what your calling is? It’s ok not to and it’s ok if it changes. I once thought my calling was to get married, have children and build a house with a white picket fence. Maybe that was my path once upon a time, but I changed it. We will never know.

Ask yourself, what is your calling in the now? Is it to help people on a grand scale, a small scale or 1 on 1? Is your calling to open a retreat to help other mums fulfil their dreams? Is your calling to be a mum? Is it to open an ice-cream shop, selling all your favourite ice-cream flavours? Whatever it is, it is yours and it is unique to you. 

Nobody can ever take your dreams away from you, well except you. 

But who better to say ‘no, I want to pursue them’, then, well, you?

You are in control. You can take the drivers seat of wherever the whispers send you. 

Only you can say no and only you can say yes. 

Take back your sovereignty of your life and say yes to your dreams.

That is how you align your calling with your business.

You find what is in alignment to you by getting to a space of fully surrendering to the whispers of the universe. Then you follow your calling, your desires, your dharma and you intertwine that essence in everything that you do. 

Be it making videos, writing blogs, creating, speaking, just being. Whatever you are doing, pour your true essence into it, no matter what direction society pulls you. 

Go in your direction. Follow your north.

Your Next Steps

If you are at a place where you don’t know what step to take next or how to get started, my advice to you is to look to those teachers that inspire you, light you up when they speak and try some of the tools that they suggest. Some you might enjoy, some you might not. It’s all about trying and finding what feels good in your body.

If you are at a place where you have a great toolbox, fantastic, ask yourself, what else is it that I need to keep moving forward with conviction? Do I need encouragement? Do I need more structure? Do I need a blueprint? Find out what it is that you need by sitting and asking yourself these questions.

This is your reminder that this all takes time. There is no rush. Work on your own timeline, not on others. Don’t look at what others are doing but rather feel into what feels good for you. What timings align with your energy. Then you will start to walk alongside your highest timeline. Exactly where you’re meant to be. No rush, just you.

Just as I trusted my path, know that yours is unfolding perfectly, too.

The other reminder is to align yourself with people that are aligned with your desires, your hopes & dreams. Because those people will never remind you that you can’t have them.

There are so many things we need moments to push us, but one of them is definitely having people around you that encourage you to take the leap. The other entrepreneurs or what I like to call now Soultrepreneurs that push you into where you feel you belong. That’s what pushed me at the last minute. Everyone around me was just encouraging me to do it.

Whether you’re deep in the entrepreneurial journey or ready to take it to the next level, we always need the right people, right tools and information to get us there.

I also have left a tool from my toolbox at the end of this blog for you to try, if you feel called.

What I am Here to Do

Knowing that I had these people on my side, I knew it was something that I wanted to offer to others. I had spent years helping others grow their own businesses in the 3D sense, now it’s time for me to help people in this new paradigm that I was walking into on a personal level. 

I wanted to merge the two together. 

I wanted to merge my 14+ years knowledge in the marketing & digital marketing space with my intuitive guidance that was always with me.

I want to help you find your true north, align with your dreams, your desires and encourage you to move closer and closer to them with full conviction that you are exactly where you are meant to be. Throw in some real world marketing tactics that align with what feels good to you, not the algorithm, and we have a recipe for deep energetic success.

I want to help encourage you to live out your wildest dreams so that every day you wake up with a fire in your belly knowing you get another day to make an impact here on earth in whichever way that you desire.

It all starts with you.

"Nothing lights me up more than you realising your true potential. This is the basis of what I do. I see everyone as they are at their core. Even if you cannot see, I see through the layers. I see you, I hear you and I am here to shine light on what it is that you may not see in yourself. 

Building brands is no longer about having the best products, the coolest logos and working with the best creators. Building brands is about you, your team and the business purpose. Your essence expanding out into your brand is what brings success. 

I want to help you add a deeper meaning to all that you do, from your personal life, right through to your professional. I want to work with you to build brands and most importantly, a life, with purpose.”

How to Connect With Me

Are you ready to align your life with your desires and make your brand a reflection of your calling?

Whether you're just starting or are ready to take your conscious business to the next level, I'm here to help you uncover your true essence and build something with purpose and impact.

I can't wait to help you tap into your true potential and align your brand with your soul's deepest desires. You can find more information about what I am doing here: or please email me at

Remember, your journey is uniquely yours, and the path you’re on is perfectly timed.

A Moment of Stillness

Step 1: Close down your eyes and take 3 big deep belly breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth with a big sigh.

Step 2: Connect in with your heart energy just for a moment and ask yourself, how does my body feel. 

Step 3: Feel into if any parts of your body feel different, any kind of sensation. It could be density, tingling, even sadness. 

Step 4: Go to that place and concentrate on it for a moment. Are there any messages that come to you? Are there any other feelings or emotions that arise whilst you focus on that spot? 

Step 5: Feel into these spots and take in whatever come to you. 

Step 6: Stay in this and look at as many parts as you feel you need to.

Step 7: Slowly open your eyes, move your body parts and come back to the room.

Reflection: How do you feel when you come back? Feel free to take a moment to journal what you felt or write in your phone notes anything that came up and mark today’s date. 

Reminder: Whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed, come back to this note to remind you how easy it is to pause and return back to stillness.

Try this mediation whenever you need a moment for you. Add it into your daily practice and see how you feel after 1 week.

Taking the Leap: Aligning Business with Your Souls Calling and Building a Conscious Business & Life with Intention

A woman walking toward her destiny in front of a moon and beautiful desert & sky.
Created By AI: A woman heading towards the whispers of the universe.


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